Amazing Transformers Gear at

Star Wars Disney Mashup Fan Art


Zimbio asked artist Isaiah Stephens to mashup Disney's animated movies with the world of Star Wars and he came up with a pretty amazing new set of illustrations...

Star Wars Disney Mashups Fan Art
Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, and Aurora as Stormtroopers

August 21 2015

Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball 2015


Article by: Geek Girl Mistress Zelda

Geek Girl Zelda attended the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball last weekend and wrote about the experience and shared some incredible photos from John Truong Pictures and Erzen Design (we will have many more up on facebook shortly!)...
How does one even begin to encapsulate the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball, the 2 day event that passed this last weekend in Los Angeles? If you were a geek in the 80s, it is likely you were a fan of the cult classic Jim Henson Company film starring David Bowie’s codpiece – Labyrinth - from which the event takes its name. It is also likely that you have strong feelings tied to one of the most magical scenes and songs from any movie ever. The scene I speak of, is of course...

Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball 2015

August 21 2015

Danelsa (Daenerys/Elsa Mashup) Cosplay


Geek Girl Princess Nightmare looks gorgeous cosplaying as "Danelsa" her Daenerys from Game of Thrones / Elsa from Frozen mashup cosplay! Here's what she had to say about it...

"I was very hesitant to post these. I had what I thought was a great idea, there is so much Daenerys/Elsa fan art that I thought why not use my own ‘art’ for fan art and do a costume. My wonderful Theresa and I set to work on it. All in all we put this together in a night. I would say we did a damn good job on that account! Originally it was a completely different concept based on a drawing I had seen and then it turned into something else altogether. We made the costume. I added to my Elsa wig, we did the photos on one of my favorite sets of all time from Bombshell Pinups. as usual I brought an army of Drabbits..."

Danelsa (Daenerys/Elsa Mashup) Cosplay

August 21 2015

Sailor Moon Burlesque Photoshoot


Ms Kelly Mari looks super sexy in her Sailor Moon inspired burlesque shoot! Here's what she had to say...

"Everyone who knows me knows what a huge Sailor Moon fan I am. I got my custom Sailor Moon Bikini last year from Sci Feye Candy, and when I recently acquired the locket underwear, I knew it was time for a photoshoot with both. Thank you to Tim Bermingham for the amazing photos, and Svetlana from Cirkle K for my pasties."

Sailor Moon Burlesque Photoshoot

August 21 2015

Marvel's Avengers Inspired Costumes


Polyvore user Violet1998 put together this awesome collection of Avengers inspired casual costumes that anyone could put together! They are great for inspiration for cosplay, Halloween or even everyday outfits! Which one is your fav?

Natasha Romanoff-Black Widow

August 20 2015

Poison Ivy Cosplay


Shine Spark Cosplay looks gorgeous as her original version of Poison Ivy! Here's what she had to say about it...

"I am a big fan of a lot of the DC women and Poison Ivy has always been one of my favourites. She is sexy, smart, dangerous and an environmentalist! What's not to love?! So I had this beautiful little location in mind when I designed this costume. I knew I wanted a skirt that would drape into the water of the creek because I really wanted to capture Poison Ivy's more soft and feminine side. It was partially inspired by a Poison Ivy comic that I have where for a little while she lived on a little deserted island that she turned into sort of a garden of Eden. She's practically naked in the comic when on the island so I decided to do the costume differently but still have a similar "goddess" feel. I hope you enjoy my cosplay, I had a lot of fun making it!"

Poison Ivy Cosplay

August 20 2015

Geek Girls at ConBravo 2015


Some of our Geek Girls recently attended ConBravo and had a blast! Here's some photos of them cosplaying and having fun at the con. And be sure to also check out Geek Girl Amaleigh's photo coverage from the event as well!

Geek Girls at ConBravo 2015
Geek Girls Roxy Lee, Gina G. & Evie E | Photo: Elemental Photography for Cosplay For A Cure

August 20 2015

Why Cleavage is Bad for Crime Fighting


Aaron Diaz of Dresden Codak drew this amusing comic showing a few of the reasons why some of the costume choices for female superheros showing excessive cleavage might not be the most practical when fighting bad guys... ;)

(Obvious disclaimer: there is no puritanical or moral motives here, no slut shaming, y'all know we love boobies and have no problem at all with anyone drawing them or women choosing to show them, this comic is one artist's opinion coming from from a purely practical stand point.)

Why Cleavage is Bad for Crime Fighting

August 20 2015

Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisition Cosplay


Space Hamster Cosplay looks amazing cosplaying as a genderbent version of Solas and here's what she had to say about it...

"This cosplay is of Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisition. I have been a huge fan of the Dragon Age series for years and was thrilled when I got to meet this character in the new Dragon Age game. When I found out how much of a connection he had with the fade I instantly fell in love with his character and knew I had to make him. "

Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisition Cosplay

August 20 2015

Her First Time Comic


LOL! John Martinez of Toonhole illustrated this funny comic about a girlfriends "first time". Every girls wants it to be special... ;)
Her First Time Comic

August 20 2015

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