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Gohan Cosplay

Gohan Cosplay


You may remember Maka Lee from her Yoko cosplay. This time she is dressed up as one of her childhood favorites, Gohan from Dragon Ball Z.

"One of my all time favorite animes is DragonBall Z, when I thought to myself one day-"Why not cosplay from it?" One of my favorite characters is Gohan as a kid when Piccolo started training him, so I decided on making his younger outfit before he trained. The costume I made from silk and the Power Pole I made from a bamboo forest nearby my house. The photo shoot was taken with N3 Photography during Dragon*Con this year. It is one of my favorite costumes and was so much fun portraying Gohan. I hope you all enjoy!"

Gohan Cosplay - Dragon Ball Z

Gohan Cosplay - Dragon Ball Z

Gohan Cosplay - Dragon Ball Z

Gohan Cosplay - Dragon Ball Z

Gohan Cosplay - Dragon Ball Z

Model: Maka Lee

Photographer: N3 Photography

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November 05 2012

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