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Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House


Canadian trekker Line Rainville is certainly one of the world’s biggest Star Trek fans and her house is a testament to her fandom! This fangirl spent $30,000 transforming rooms of her house into an awesome homage to her love of Star Trek and the Starship Enterprise. I am totally jealous, I wish this was my house, but she has boldly gone where no one has gone before!

From DVICE: Line Rainville says that she loved the show as a child, especially William Shatner's character Captain Kirk, because come on, who doesn't. In fact, she often wished that she was Spock, just so she could be near Kirk so much of the time.

Line's Enterprise home project started life as a themed home theater room in the basement, but soon expanded into several other rooms of the home. Eventually she added an Enterprise bathroom, a bedroom styled like Spock's quarters, and even her own transporter room. Details were important too, with Star Trek style food blocks in the kitchen, and a set of the Vulcan bells as seen the episode "Amok Time."

For reference here's the original bridge of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek TOS...
Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

And this is Line Rainville's house after being converted into a Star Trek tribute...
Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Star Trek TOS Enterprise Fan Tribute House

Photos/house by: Line Rainville

(via: Viral Nova/DVICE)

Thanks to Geek Girl Critical Miss for the tip! ♥

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January 09 2014

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