Name: Cayla
Title: Embattled with a Sewing Machine for all EternityGeek Girl Lily Spitfyre
AKA: Lily Spitfyre
Location: Ontario, Canada
Sites: facebook - deviantArt

Interests:Comics, Cosplay, Scifi, Horror, Fantasy, Crafting, Biology/Zoology, Geek Couture, Lolita.

Tell us about yourself: I’m a 21-year-old Bio science student with a passion for making the 2D into reality! When I’m not preparing for upcoming cons or poring over graphic novels, I’m breaking out the microscope to discover exactly why you don’t want to go into the ocean and the many different ways it can kill you. I love going off the beaten track, and turning myself into a Superheroine is my night job. I wish wigs were acceptable fashion statements, and that spandex would come back into style.

Have you always been a geek?: I made my first Vampire Halloween costume at 5 with my grandma, been into everything weird, wacky and scary ever since!

Geekiest thing about you: My closet looks like I raided the Justice League’s satellite headquarters and/or Starfleet command.

Games Top 5
Pokemon Blue
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Diablo 3
City of Heroes
Left 4 Dead 2

Movies Top 5
Marvel’s Avengers
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Lord of the Rings

Books Top 5
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Game of Thrones
The Mythology Anthology

TV Top 5
Star Trek: TOS
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
Modern Family



Exp: 24 - Level: 05