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Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! There have been so many celebrity guest voice actors on Rick and Morty that sometimes you don't even notice them. Here is a pretty good list of many of the celeb voices that have been featured on Adult Swim's hilarious show... did you catch all of these guest stars?

Christina Hendricks as Unity

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Nathan Fillon as Cornvelious Daniel

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Keegan Michael Key as a Testicle Monster

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Jordan Peele as a Testicle Monster

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Claudia Black as Ma-Sha

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Patton Oswald as Beta-Seven

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Matt Walsh as Sleepy Gary

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Jemaine Clement as Fart

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Keith David as President

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Christian Slater as Vance Maximus

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Gillian Jacobs as Supernova

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

John Oliver as Dr. Xenon Bloom

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Stephen Colbert as Zeep

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Danny Trejo as Jaguar

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Alfred Molina as The Devil

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

David Cross as Prince Nebulon

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Kurtwood Smith as General Nathan

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Tricia Helfer as Donna Gueterman

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Joel McHale as Hemorrhage

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Werner Herzog as Shrimply Pibbles

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Andy Daly as Krombopulos Michael

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Susan Sarandon as Dr. Wong

Celebrities That Guest Starred in Rick and Morty

Source: Rick and Morty Memes

(via: Blasting News)

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