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Clara Oswin Oswald Cosplay

Clara Oswin Oswald Cosplay


Geek Girl Amaleigh looks beautiful as the impossible girl herself, Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who. Here's what she said about her cosplay...

"I wasn't the biggest fan of Clara at the beginning of her appearances but slowly, I've come to adore her so cosplaying her was a natural choice! Clara has officially joined my list of favourite Doctor Who companions!"

Clara Oswin Oswald Doctor Who Cosplay

Clara Oswin Oswald Doctor Who Cosplay

Clara Oswin Oswald Doctor Who Cosplay

Clara Oswin Oswald Doctor Who Cosplay

Clara Oswin Oswald Doctor Who Cosplay

Geek Girl: Amaleigh - facebook

Photographer: Wonderboy Cosplay

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February 02 2014

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